Set22° International Summer School on regulation of local public services
Un’iniziativa della Fondazione per l’Ambiente che intende offrire un’esperienza internazionale di alto livello in merito a formazione e ricerca applicata sulla regolazione del servizi locali. L’obiettivo è disseminare la cultura e gli strumenti regolatori tramite best practices, riducendo la distanza fra accademia, imprese, policy makers, professionisti e terzo settore al fine di migliorare i processi decisionali.
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22° International Summer School on regulation of local public services
Organizzato da Turin School of Regulation
Iscrizioni entro il 3 giugno 2019
The School is designed to offer two weeks “full immersion” in user charges regulation of local public services (e.g. waste, water, public transport, district heating, sport facilities) and is mainly addressed to undergraduate students at their last year, PhD and graduate students and officials from the Public Administration (municipalities, counties, regional bodies) and regulatory agencies.
The course lasts two weeks and is articulated in three parts:
– theoretical module
– industry analysis
– case studies (with a virtual regulatory final report prepared by attendants)
For further information, please have a look to the programme
Fees and accommodation in Turin
Low rates and free accommodation: see more on https://turinschool.eu/iss